The song "History Maker" by the group Delirious is a great song that reminds me of the purpose for which we are in the here and now. I shared in a church, some time ago, of being a "Change Agent" and the two terms, history maker and change agent are synonymous. I don't know about you but I do want my life to be used to make a difference for God's Kingdom.
I looked up the meaning of "Change Agent" in the dictionary and this is what I read:
A change agent, or agent of change, is someone or something that intentionally or indirectly causes or accelerates social, cultural, or behavioral change.If we apply that to kingdom, that's it! I want to make a difference in the lives of other people to the extent that they will come to Christ or become more Christ-like.I know it is not about me, but about God uses us when we allow Him to work in and through us, we become His vessel or conduit! Likewise, is that "history maker" one who obviously has an influence for Chirst's sake to altar the course of history for kingdom purposes, wow! That is pretty powerful stuff!
Like I told the folks in church that morning, "we didn't get saved to live a cushy, comfy life with all the amenities, we got saved to make a difference in the kingdom as we come alongside those who don't know the King of kings." We are to show and when given the opportunity to share Christ and Him crucified! and from 1 Peter 3:15
"...always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,"
On this anniversary date of 9/11...I remember exactly where I was when news broke about the attacks on our country. Do you remember where you were? After much thought, I reflected on how my life has changed over these past years since then and I assessed the areas where God has grown me up in preparation for me to be used by Him to make a difference for His sake (be it big or small.) How about you...are you seeing from a different perspective?
Father, I am asking You to do such a work in me that I would become one who can make a difference in my environment for you. As I go about the day-to-day stuff I want people to see You. And to see that You really can make a difference in people's lives. After all, I am not who I used to be, praise be to God! Let others see You when they observe me so that You will be glorified and others will desire to know You. It is only through You that I can be the hands, feet and mouth of Jesus. As You perfect in me the fruit of the Spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, I will make a difference for Your kingdom and change the course of history, Amen.
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